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0429 881 353


Travelling with children and some essential first aid advice

Travelling with a baby or toddler for the first time can be daunting and exhausting experience. We have small children and have travelled many times with them, so here are my top tips and practical advice to help smooth the way for a happy and healthy family trip.

Flying with little ones is the first challenge; Take small sachets of children Panadol or Neurofen in your hand luggage as these can help if the air pressure hurts their ears. Chewing, sipping water, or sucking on a dummy whilst taking off can also help relieve ear pressure. Pack favourite toys, books or a tablet to keep them occupied during the journey and a special toy or blanket to encourage them to sleep.

Have a good supply of snacks in case they won’t eat the food on the plane.

Take a change of clothes for your child and for you. Planes can be quite cold, always adjust the air-conditioning to avoid it blowing directly onto them and take an extra jacket and socks.

Flying with babies:

If permitted, take your stroller as far as the departure gate or borrow the airline’s. A baby carrier can be helpful as often the stroller is not returned until baggage reclaim.

Get to the airport in good time as you may be allocated specific seats at the front, with more space, if you are travelling with babies; bassinets are generally available for babies up to 2 years, trust me unless you want to be holding your baby the entire journey these can be very helpful.

It is usually possible to take baby food and powdered formula through security. Ensure you take enough for the flight and to acclimatise once abroad.

In hot climates Think carefully when packing to ensure you have suitable clothes to allow your body to breathe.

Pack travel blackout blinds and sunshades.


In hot areas with high humidity, wounds often take longer to heal and easily become infected – ensure that any injury is cleaned thoroughly and apply a sterile breathable dressing.


If anyone is bitten or licked by an animal, it is imperative that you seek medical attention as soon as possible and receive prompt anti-rabies treatment. If you are going to a high-risk area it is highly recommended to have anti rabies vaccinations in advance. Even if you have these vaccinations you still need urgent medical attention – but it does buy you a bit more time and means you need less invasive treatment should you be at risk. Rabies has 100% mortality and is not a nice way to go, so please treat it seriously.

Dehydration, sunburn and heat exhaustion

Keeping everyone well hydrated is particularly important in hot climates. Treat the sun with respect; cover up with hats, sunglasses and sun cream, drink plenty and keep out of the midday sun. If you are swimming or sailing remember that reflections from water increase the potency of the sun and regularly apply additional sunscreen accordingly.

If someone shows signs of heat exhaustion; flushed, sweaty, stomach cramps, headaches …encourage them to sit in the shade and drink to replace their fluids. Seek medical advice if concerned.

Research in advance about specific dangers in the areas you are visiting learn how particular stings, bites, illnesses or reactions should be treated if affected. Choose a child friendly mosquito repellent and wear long, loose clothing to avoid being bitten. Be particularly careful at dusk.

Think ahead:

Always travel with toilet roll, tissues, hand sanitizer and a compact, sensible First Aid kit.

Accidents and illnesses can happen anywhere and can be more stressful when away from home. Equipping yourself with an appropriately stocked First Aid kit and the knowledge to help, means you are ready for action if something happens.

Here are my top tips for essential travel kits and medication:

1. Children Panadol or Ibuprofen – to have on the plane in case the air pressure hurts their ears and superb painkillers to have to hand anyway.

2. Paediatric antihistamine– in case they have a mild allergic reaction to new foods, stings etc…

Please note that medication should not be kept in your first aid kit – but stored safely out of reach of children

3. A couple of calico triangular bandages; superb versatile sterile non-fluffy material, ideal to stop bleeding, easy cover for head wounds, elbows, knees, mouths – pretty much anywhere and can be folded to make a flat supportive bandage or used for a sling.

4. An instant ice pack – can be activated when you need it (without a freezer). Wrap and then apply to a bump or bruise to reduce swelling.

5. Non-adherent dressings for grazes and micropore tape to secure them to the wound. A couple of finger bandages and small bandage-style dressings are useful too.

6. Burn aid Gel – use after cooling a burn under cool running water for at least 20 minutes, or helpful if burnt when there is no running water available, also great for sunburn.

7. Tough cut scissors to cut off clothes and good quality tweezers to remove a splinter or sea urchin spines.

8. Bandaids – for short term covering of a wound. Remove as soon as possible, clean and then cover with an appropriate dressing, as plasters can lead to wounds becoming soggy.

9. Sterile wipes to clean a wound or pods of saline and some gauze squares – the saline is also useful to irrigate sand out of eyes.

10. Small crepe bandage to provide a support bandage for an injured limb.

Ensure you have the number for the emergency services in the country your visiting you should google in advance or check in your guidebook.

Attend a practical First Aid course relevant to the particular needs of your holiday and family. Hot Response First Aid can arrange all this for you.

Hot Response First Aid provides this information for guidance and it is not in any way a substitute for medical advice.

Hot Response First Aid is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made, or actions taken based on this information. It is strongly advised that you attend a practical First Aid course to understand what to do in a medical emergency.

For more information on our courses visit Here.

Visit the Australian Government Smart Traveller website for more information on safe travels with children.


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